Friday, October 18, 2013


 When building a business its important to keep a positive mindset.A positive mindset is the key to making it to the next level.  A business can be sometime stress especially when you first start off. Every business doesn't  just start off  making you a lot of money it take time.In order to keep a positive mindset you can maybe  write down why you start your business in the first place.  You can read the  bible and pray before starting your day. Get  some positive books to read  maybe something like how to be successful. Also stay away from negative people who don't believe in your business or dream.Also while working maybe turn on some gospel music. I remember when I first started my business MCA I had spent my last 60 dollars that I had in order to get started. I stayed up hours pass my bedtime  trying to figure out how to make this business work.I had no income coming in and two month old baby. It took me three weeks before I was able to see any money back from my business, but I stayed positive. I got up every morning praying, and prayed through out the day.I seen the person that introduce me to the business making money daily, but because I believed god didn't show me this opportunity to fail I kept going. I tried introducing my business to my family and friends, but they number one question was did you make any money yet.I didn't make any money yet so of course my family said when you make some money then let me know. Three weeks later because of me staying up late being positive ,and taking my time to learn the business my sales started to role in.I was impressed because week after week money kept coming. During the three weeks I was waiting for this opportunity to make me some money, I was waiting on the government to approve me for cash assistance. By the time the government approved me, I was able to refuse the cash assistance the government was going give me. My business is now  bringing me in 3000 or more a month all because I believe and kept a positive attitude.

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