Thursday, October 17, 2013


The person who signed you up with MCA is considered your sponsor. The sponsor job is to guide you lead you to the opportunity. Show the ropes to get you started.This is a business and once you sign up this is consider your business. Your sponsor job is not to call you every day because it not a job its a business, and your sponsor is probably trying to advertise and bring customers in as well.  There is  a lot of training on your GWP site and in the groups that your  sponsor should add you to. I myself have a group on Facebook call MCA LIFE CHANGERS where myself and another person who is on my team give tips on how to drive your business.There we share knowledge on things we tried that help us be success as we are today. Follow are lead and you will make it to the top. I and another person on my team have live trainings twice a week Thursday and Sundays at 9pm. In this training we go over step by step how to advertise, close sales, follow up with leads etc. We want you to be successful so we also have a question and answer during the training as well where you can get all of your questions answered .So you see MCA is a work at home business where you in business for yourself but not by yourself.Thats what made me be apart because i am not left alone trying to figure out on my own as soon as i spented my money. I can call over even go in groups, attend training live, theres training on youtube and more to help you be successful. Here is what your job as a sponsor will be after joining MCA:
There is a big misunderstanding in the industry, and we are going to correct it .
Many people think when they get started in a home based business that they are going to be hand held and told what to do each day.
That is not the definition of Free Enterprise, that's what we all call a J-O-B.

The reasons people get started in home based businesses vary.
But one thing is clear, no one signed up to have another boss tell them what to do.
You are going to be responsible for your own actions... after all you are running your very own business.

This may be a little bit scary, but you will find that it's quite exciting - and you are not in this by yourself.

So let’s clarify what your sponsor's responsibilities are:

To support you.
By support we do not mean ordering you around. You are surrounded by people who are like minded, and you will find comfort in this. You will have just enough support to know you are not alone, but not enough to feel like you're at a
job. There is a fine balance.

To guide you.
Your sponsor should welcome you to the team, and offer you initial advice and assistance on getting started with your business.

Your Sponsor is not there so you can:
Tell pity stories.
Spend hours with you - this can happen but it’s not a requirement - yet some people think it is.
Run your business for you.
Call and check up on you every day.
Hand-hold you.


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