When it comes to marketing, sometimes you may not want to wait for people to find you. Maybe you'd rather look for people who've already been identified for people showing inrest in a certain market or product.
This is why some people look to buying leads.
When you buy leads,usually they include contact information(name,e-mail,phone,address) and in some cases , the location of where they opted in at and how much they may be qualified for (business opportunities.)
These leads are generated through website through website opt-in- form, promotional advertisements, company e-mails, newsletters based on home-based businesses, advertised on 3rd party websites, radio advertising and newspapers.
LEADS that are bought can drastically vary in their cost. Leads are people that have either been:
- phone interview(sometimes in real time)
- redirected leads(leads that fill out a form and are sent STRAIGHT to your website)
- opt-in-leads
- double opt-in-leads(leads that fill out a form and verify their interest via e-mail/phone)
- and other method
Typically price goes down base on the older lead is, but it DOES NOT mean they still aren't a quality/ responsive lead.
A REAL-TIME lead is usually the most expensive , but sometimes , the most responsive and eager to take action!
These leads can usually be targeted towards business opportunity seekers ( which usually have a higher price tag) or untargeted toward something specific ( which are usually are cheaper).
When it comes to quality, sometimes you will get great leads, and sometimes you won't just like if you promoting on your own, that's just the business. Again, nothing is promised, but it can save some leg work.
Below are a lisit of places you been successful for people when it comes to buying leads across not just MCA, but the MLM industry.
- MCA-Leads a brand new site providing you MCA Specifically targeted leads- Currently in discounting testing phase.
- LeadPower ( one of the Most popular lead sites with over 50,000 new leads added every week!- MLM Leads, Real Time, Redirect, Realtime Double Opt-in, Canadian Leads and Discount Leads)
- MLMLeadGenie (EXTREMELY POPULAR SOURCE-MLM Leads, Real Time, Redirect to Website Leads,RealTime Double Optin, Canadian Leads and Discount leads.NUMEROUS Options
- Little Ticket to Wealth( ANOTHER POPULAR Source, can provide leads in monthly recurring orders and also provides its OWN BULK E-MAILER that you can send through their system)
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